
A collection of daily thoughts, ideas and links from a mom still seeking to acheive the "balance" of a spiritual journey, family, inner peace, carreer, world peace...while "trying" to look like a supermodel at the same time...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

age of innocence...

Random thoughts for today:

Recently someone I love very much was exposed to a subject matter that I feel was inappropriate for her peers to be discussing. Whether they intended to hurt or not (most likely NOT...most 3rd graders are not cruel human beings yet, just misguided...)they stole an innocence and naivete' that can never be replaced...Once you know something you know it.

I know that's what God was trying to protect Adam and Eve from in the garden, a loss of innocence. Sooner or later we are all robbed of some innocence and become jaded or better yet, disillusioned, to a certain degree. If there was one thing you could unlearn or unknow about life, people, what would it be? If you could remain in the dark in one area (whether by experience, or just factual knowledge) what would it be?


At 7:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

What a great question. I have to think about that.

It's such a hard issue, because there is a line between "too much, too soon" and leaving your child unprotected and without vital information.

Like the topic of sex -- I think I would have been much better off in my interactions with boys if I had continued in my girlish innocence and ideas of romance until I was 15 or even older. Instead, friends who were much further advanced in that area started telling me stories when I was 11. And of course, we all get a lot of input from movies and television about how that all works.

However, I will probably begin discussing the topic with my child as early as 7 or 8. Why? Because there are 10-year-old kids out there (and younger!) who are having sex. I don't want my daughter to encounter a boy who's on the make and not know how to react or protect herself. And if I don't tell them the truth at an early age, the first information they will get (which will stick with them...) will be half-truths and lies.

But in a hypothetical sense... as in, "I wish I didn't know...", without real-world consequences to not knowing, it would probably be to restore my trust in "adults", or those in leadership. Once upon a time, when I was a kid and young adult, I trusted all "grown-ups" as people who 1) told the truth and 2) had my best interest in mind. Experience has led me to always listen to the words BEHIND the words, to try to find out "what they really mean", to be suspicious. I hate that. Especially when it comes to church leadership, I would love to let go and trust without reservation. But I can't.

At 8:05 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

Ok. I am truly intrigued by the question. I actually read the blog many many times pondering the thought of innocence. I am still pondering and will get back to you once I have all of my thoughts together.

At 1:15 PM , Blogger Matt Barrett said...

After much thought and deliberation, I think I have settled on the answer to your question. I was going to answer that I wouldn't want anytihng changed. That I was happy knowing the things I know. Honestly, I like opening Pandora's box. But, truth be told, I would like to have never lost the child hood magic. Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, those guys made my child hood so incredible. What would life be like if I still believed and never was told anything other than they are real? It would be awesome!

At 7:28 AM , Blogger The Mac Fam said...

If I could unlearn one thing about people it would be that I can't trust them. It's sad but true. I want to trust everyone but have learned the hard way I can't and it breaks my heart b/c now I have the obligation to alert my children to this based on the sick world we live in.


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