
A collection of daily thoughts, ideas and links from a mom still seeking to acheive the "balance" of a spiritual journey, family, inner peace, carreer, world peace...while "trying" to look like a supermodel at the same time...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Baby Steps

As 2005 heads off to a fast start, I've been thinking about my goals...I know I know, Mr. Covey would be quite dissapointed that I'm doing this NOW instead of PRIOR to 2005...but whatever.

But I thought to myself, "Self, what are some things you can truly achieve this year? What are some things that bug you about you - you know the fixable things."

So here is a brief list of things I'd like to accomplish in 2005- small things - doable things:

1. I'd like to choose one handwriting and one signature to use all the time. I change mine up depending on my mood, the pen, the weather, who knows...but I'd like to strive for consistency in this area. I'd like people to know when I've written something...weird, I know.

Baby steps people, baby steps.

2. I'd like to keep my toes more manicured. I'm such a slacker in this area. Currently the chipped piece of color that is on ONE toe only has been there since October...sad, but true. I'd like to do better about updating and keeping polish chip free.

3. I'd like to send birthday cards and gifts on time. I used to be the BEST at this, but in recent years I've become a belated sender. Since I have so many family and friends all over I REALLY need to be better in this area. It seems that my thoughts are always there, but actions are a different story.

4. I'd like to give myself more time in the mornings. I usually get up 10 minutes past when I REALLY needed to be up. This puts a rush on my morning, my brain, my day. I'd like to start out my day with a little more peace.

5. I'd like to say the things I think about people more often...I mean the nice things of course. Throughout the day thoughts pop into my head, great things I love about the people in my life, things I am thankful for. I'd like to be better about verbalizing them. I know how much it means to me when people say a sincere kind word. I'd like to be better about that.

FIVE things. Small things. I'm hoping that by focusing on them, making them specific and fairly attainable I'll be a better person this time next year...

Baby Steps.