Get yer "moove" on...and other random thoughts
Well, the MOVE is well under way. Painting, cleaning, packing. I'm so ready for this move to be official. Right now I'm kind of in limbo some stuff at the "new" house and some at the "old". Where's my hair dryer? At the "new" house which does me no good when I'm standing with sopping wet, potentially frizzy hair at the "old" house.
Ty Boy has taken 7 steps to date---he only does it when no one is watching. So humble. Just like me. Ha! We'll both be turning a year older in about 20 days.
I've had no coffee filters for 3 days, I tried the paper towel thing. Didn't work. Grounds everywhere. So the caffeine headache has overtaken and is the way of life at the moment.
As soon as I get my camera out of a box, I'll post some pics of the "new" house. Which is really old compared to our "old" house. But someday (hopefully in the not to distant future) it will be the "dream".
good night.