So, the hottest guy in the WHOLE world wide and I were chatting yesterday and some profound thoughts came about. I know, I know, your thinking...
Profound? Yes. Us.
Ok, this may not be earth shatteringly fresh material but ponder with me for a minute...It's so easy to get in a habit of saying yes to ourselves. What do I mean by this? Well, basically it's not too difficult to get in the groove of eating whatever we want, doing whatever we want, saying whatever we want, spending whatever we want...ya know? I mean there have been times where we get to the point that its almost like every weekend should be a party, we should always be entertained, and soon it becomes, go, go, go, what are we doing next? WHAT!!?!??! Stay home? Pull weeds, do homework, clean toilets, fold laundry? This is not "the life". I should be doing something FUN, eating something BAD (by that I mean GOOOOOD), and wearing something NEW.
It's at that point when we have to take inventory. Is that REALLY how life is supposed to be? Or is there an element of sacrifice, and element of work, and element of patience that slips away so easily. When you only say "YES" to whatever you feel like, you end up FAT, POOR, ADDICTED, and TIRED. I think it starts with saying "no." Sometimes, we can't go out, can't see that movie, can't eat crap just because it sounds good, can't hang out
yet again. We talked about how for our family at least, there are times, when we have to practice saying "NO". Not only for US but for our KIDS too. So many kids these days have an OVER-THE-TOP sense of entitlement and I think it stems from the example we set. I mean why
shouldn't they EXPECT something new every time we go to the store, when
we ourselves get something new.
Not to be a downer or anything, because I do believe life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, but, I also think it means that to appreciate the sweet, sometimes we have to taste a little bitter and say NO to ourselves.